Eden Bebe

Eden Bebe bisque head with open mouth and teeth with EDEN BEBE PARIS 13 incised mark by Fleischmann & Bloedel

1890 Eden Bebe Trademark

Fleishmann and Bloedel registered their trademark for the Eden Bebe doll in 1890 as toy manufacturers in Paris. The trademark document gives the address of 3 Rues de _____. To see the trademark archive go here (archives.INPI.fr)and go to image #280.

The earlier Eden Bebe dolls have the mark incised on the back of the head.

1890 registered French patent for Eden Bebe by Fleischmann & Bloedel

Eden Bebe 1891

The Annuaire-almanach du Commerce advertised in 1891, “FLEISCHMANN & BLOEDEL, de Fuerth (Bavière), comptoir d’échantil- lons à Paris, rue des Haudriet- tes. 3. Fabrique de bébés incas- sables nus et habillés, articles spéciaux pour la France et l’exportation. Séries yeux fixes, yeur mobiles et parlant, tout ou en partie articulées; grand choix. Fabr. de EDEN- BÉBÉ rue de Montreuil, 119. GRANDJEAN ainé, rue Montmo- rency, 14 (voir BÉBÉ-BIJOU). GUITON, passage Jouffroy, 13, 15 et 17.”

In the 1899 Christmas catalogue (Jouets Entrennes) one can view Baby Eden advertised with articulated arms and legs, flowing Tibetan hair, and dressed in fancy wool! The dolls in these illustrations has a closed mouth.

1905 Trademark Registered with SFBJ

The registration renewed under “La Societe Francaise de Fabrication de Bebes-Jouets” SFBJ in 1905. The document reads (translated)

Trademark intended to designate babies and dolls. It will be affixed by all appropriate means in all sizes and colors on the babies & dolls themselves, on the boxes, and all packaging containing them, as well as on all commercial papers. Renewal of filing No. 33072 – dated March 31, 1890.

Registry of the Paris Commercial Court
No. 88618 Deposit of February 16, 1905, at 1:40 a.m. By the Société Française de Fabrication de Bébés-Jouets 8 Rue Pastourelle in Paris represented by Mr. Eugene Wattier employed by M. C. BLÉTRY, Consulting Engineer in Paris, 2, Bd de Strasbourg, agent following power of attorney s. s. pr. registered and annexed to a previous deposit dated June 13, 1902.

JOUETS 1900-1910. at archives.INPI.FR (image 148).

After the registration of the trademark under SFBJ the company then advertised Eden Bebe as “made by Jumeau” as in the news advertisement in Montmartre-La Chapelle on December 12, 1908. The department store A LA MAISON DORÉE advertised Eden Bebe as a fully jointed doll of superior workmanship with flowing hair, mouth with teeth, and a fine canvas shirt. Their advertisement offered a doll bed with a fully articulated talking and sleeping Eden Bebe made by Jumeau and shod and dressed in a fine pleated lingerie shirt.

Eden Bebe on the Black List

During the first World War, Eden Bebe appeared on a “black list” in 1916 with the explanation, “Official nomenclature of enemy Houses or those serving enemy interests located in neutral countries, with which it is forbidden to trade.” This related to the German citizenship of the owners Fleischmann & Bloedel.

In 1917 the Official Journal of French Guiana provided an address of “consejo do ciento, 159, Barcelone.”

Grey & Grey Ltd.

The Collector’s Encyclopedia of Dolls by Coleman reports that Grey & Grey Ltd. distributed the Eden Bebe in the U.S. in 1917. Grey & Grey advertised working as importers of French and English toys such as “La Francia” a new doll novelty. Their address was 3 West 29th Street, New York, near 5th Avenue.

Image from Dry Goods Economist, 1917.

In 1921 Arthur Geoffroy distributed the doll in the U.S. in 1921. He advertised an address of 874 Broadway, New York, established since 1892 working with the foreign markets of France and England. Geoffroy exported leather belting, leather, metals, wire, chemicals, felts, small tools, electrical goods, textiles, toys, and general merchandise, while importing textile fabrics, leather, and button stock.

Coleman mentions that someone reported seeing an Eden Bebe doll that also said Simon & Halbig on it but this may have been a typical SFBJ doll head marked DEP made by Simon & Halbig in a Eden Bebe box or wearing the Eden Bebe chemise. Such dolls would date around or after 1910.

Further reading:

See more antique French doll trademarks here.

Antique Doll Journey