L Israel

L. Israel brand mark L. I. on the bottom of leather doll shoes

Among the many famou French doll makers of the 19th century, a less known name is that of L. Israel. One might find L. Israel listed after the famous HURET in the French Annual Almanac of Commerce in the toy section for baby dolls or “Bebes” and “Poupees.” In other sections his name appears separately from another Leon Israel, an exporter. Some have confused L. Israel the doll maker to be the same as Leon Israel the exporter, but this might be inaccurate.

Mistaken for Leon Israel

In 1897 Leon Israel’s listing cites an address of place de Ternes, 9 as an exporter, but L. Israel’s listing lies directly underneath with an address of Haudriettes, 3.

In 1898 the almanac listing says “jouets et bebes” (toys and baby dolls) at an address of Haudriettes, 3. In the same issue his listing sits in the section for unbreakable baby dolls or “bebes incassables” on the same page as famous doll names like Bebe Jumeau, Steiner, Rabery, Huret, and others.

Rue Des Archives 63

In 1899 the L. Israel listing shows a new address of Rue des Archives, 63. This was the same address of the Rabery-Delphieu doll maker in 1898.

In 1905 the L. Israel listing in the “Bebes Incassables” section in the almanac shows a new activity in the Israel doll making. It mentions doll heads, wigs, and special supplies for repairs, which did not appear in previous listings. The address continues to be “r. des Archives, 63.”

early antique French bebe doll shoes marked L.I
early antique French bebe doll shoes marked L.I

Further Reading

  • Learn more about identifying antique dolls here.
  • See some other French Doll Marks here.
  • See some French doll shoe markings here.
  • If you would like to see other French doll trademarks, click here.
Antique Doll Journey