Eugene Alart

The sole of an antique French white leather doll shoe from doll sold in 1912 by Eugene Alart with the trademark of woman in chemise barefoot

Some antique french dolls might wear shoes made by Eugene Alart. The French Annual Almanac of Commerce in 1908 gave a listing for Eugene Alart that translated read, “Alart, E. – specializing in fantastic shoes of all kinds, stockings and socks for dolls; ask for the catalog, r. of the Temple, 132 and 134.”

Theimer’s Encyclopedia of French Dolls claims Alart founded his company in 1872 and worked on past 1920.


A Beaudelot, G. advertised in 1892 making shoes for “dolls and babies of all kinds, fine and ordinary shoes and socks” at the same address Alart later used: rue du Temple, 132 and 134. One can see the doll shoe advertisement listing from 1893, 1894, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, and on into 1905 for a Beaudelot (G.) at the same address. Then Eugene Alart advertises in 1907 showing the transition of Beaudelot to Alart somewhere between 1905 and 1907.

Eugene Alart Trademark

One can see Alart’s official trademark in the l’Annuaire du commerce illustrated here of a barefoot woman in a chemise with the words “marque depose” beside the illustration and “DEPOSE” under the woman. Doll shoes by Alart may have this mark incised on the bottom of the shoe. The trademark may have first been used by Beaudelot.

This white leather shoe found on a Bebe GALERIES LAFAYETTE from 1912 made by SFBJ.

The sole of an antique French white leather doll shoe from doll sold in 1912 by Eugene Alart with the trademark of woman in chemise barefoot

If you would like to see other French doll trademarks, click here.

Antique Doll Journey